MARCH 2024



Welp... After the concert and going back to my dorm I caught a pretty bad cold for a week.
Luckily I've managed to recover from it, but it did hinder the process of working on the comic's first chapter. It's a pain in the ass when you schedule something and then the schedule gets fucked up because of outside factors such as health issues.
Right now, I still have a stuffy throat and nose so it's harder to breathe, but it's still better than a severely sore throat...

Leaving health-related stuff aside, it's Good Friday today, right? Aaaaand today I fucked up by eating meat during this holiday. Guess what? I ate a McMuffin on a day you're supposed to not have any meat outside of fish. Shit, I could've ordered a vegetarian option they had instead...


Holy shit, I hadn't touched my site for more than two weeks now...
I was just busy with my life and university-related work, working on the comic as well. Don't worry, I'm doing well, awesomely even.

I could soon post some of my experiences related to my last trip to Warsaw and Dir En Grey concert, and I think you guys are fine with it anyways.


Goodbye, February 29th aka the day I was gonna do a celebratory doodle for but forgot to do so! Welcome, month of March! And the damn weather makes it feel like it's mid-to-late March. THANKS, GLOBAL WARMING. Hopefully I'm on a degree that I think would contribute to fixing this problem. Whew...