September '24 Entry

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The website index layout has been reworked, now gaze upon it!


I got my hands on Vim and I like it so far! Despite being rather clunky and archaic (the keystrokes/command system is hard to get used to lol) it does its job quite well. In my opinion it's a way better option than Windows 11's butchered Notepad and a good way to brag about being more tech savvy than your peers lol.
Currently I am working on the site's main layout rework, and Vim is a really good option to work with if eg. Neocities is down (which happened tonight...). And it's more beginner friendly than Emacs, at least its graphic version – I haven't worked with the terminal/command prompt version yet.


Sorry if I haven't been updating the site for a while, but I had to focus on processing Chapter 2 while having to deal with personal issues and learning to play guitar.
Recent days have been exceptionally hard since it's been raining for a few days straight in my area, and despite not having to worry about college yet I have felt drained of all of my strength. My sleep schedule is totally screwed up and I constantly feel sleepy, only to stay up until 3AM. I hope this isn't side effects from my medications.
Shit sucks hard man.


It's sad to see that one of my favorite artists is nowadays harassed and stalked by an obsessed pervert that refuses to shut up even if told by multiple people to do so. And then wonder why they disable their comments or ignore actual positive feedback...